Source code for spresso.view.base

import json

from jinja2 import Template

from spresso.model.base import SettingsMixin
from spresso.model.web.base import Response
from spresso.utils.base import get_resource

[docs]def json_error_response(error, response, status_code=400): """ Method for returning a JSON error response, based on a :class:`spresso.utils.error.SpressoBaseError`. Args: error (:class:`spresso.utils.error.SpressoBaseError`): The error. response (:class:`spresso.model.web.base.Response`): The response. status_code (int): The HTTP status code. Returns: :class:`spresso.model.web.base.Response`: The response containing the error. """ msg = {"error": error.error, "error_description": error.explanation} if error.uri: msg.update(dict(uri="{0}".format(error.uri))) response.status_code = status_code response.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json") = json.dumps(msg) return response
[docs]def json_success_response(data, response): """ Method for returning a JSON success response, based on response data. Args: data (str): The response data. response (:class:`spresso.model.web.base.Response`): The response. Returns: :class:`spresso.model.web.base.Response`: The response containing the data. """ = data response.status_code = 200 response.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json") response.add_header("Cache-Control", "no-store") response.add_header("Pragma", "no-cache") return response
[docs]class View(object): """ Basic view class. Args: response_class (optional): The response class, defaults to :class:`spresso.model.web.base.Response`. """ def __init__(self, response_class=Response, **kwargs): super(View, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.response_class = response_class
[docs] def process(self, response): """ Wrapper around :func:`make_response`. If no valid response is returned a default instance of type `response_class` is returned. Args: response: The response. Returns: The verified response of type `response_class`. """ response = self.make_response(response) if isinstance(response, self.response_class): return response return self.response_class()
[docs] def make_response(self, response): """ Basic Interface method. Can be extended by inheriting classes. Args: response (:class:`spresso.model.web.base.Response`): The response. Returns: The response parameter. """ return response
[docs]class JsonView(View): """Abstract JSON view class."""
[docs] def make_response(self, response): """ Wrapper around :func:`json_success_response`. Retrieves the JSON data by calling :func:`json`. Args: response (:class:`spresso.model.web.base.Response`): The response. Returns: The response returned by :func:`json_success_response`. """ return json_success_response(self.json(), response)
[docs] def json(self): """ Provides the actual JSON content. Has to be implemented by inheriting classes """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class TemplateBase(SettingsMixin): """ Abstract template view class. Uses `Jinja2 <>`_ for template rendering, enabling the use of Jinja2 functionality in templates. """ template_context = dict()
[docs] def render(self): """ The configuration object is mixed in. A template is chosen, loaded and rendered. Returns: The rendered template. """ self.template_context.update(dict(settings=self.settings)) template_file = get_resource( self.settings.resource_path, self.template() ) template = Template(template_file, autoescape=False) return template.render(**self.template_context)
[docs] def template(self): """ Abstract template file definition. Has to be implemented by inheriting classes. Returns: The template file path. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class TemplateView(View, TemplateBase): """ Abstract template view class that inserts the template in a HTTP response. """
[docs] def make_response(self, response): """ Wrapper around :func:`render`. Adds the rendered template to the response object. Args: response (:class:`spresso.model.web.base.Response`): The response. Returns: The response containing the template. """ = super(TemplateView, self).render() return response
[docs]class Script(TemplateBase): """ Template view class that is used to render a JavaScript used in SPRESSO. """
[docs] def template(self): """ Return the JS template file from the settings. Returns: The template file path. """ return self.settings.js_template