Source code for spresso.model.settings

import random
from functools import partialmethod

from spresso.model.base import JsonSchema

[docs]class Entry(object): """ Basic configuration entry class. """ name = None def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, vars(self))
[docs]class Endpoint(Entry): """ URL endpoint configuration entry. Enables the configuration of the path and the supported HTTP methods. """ _methods = ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "CONNECT", "OPTIONS"] def __init__(self, name, path, methods): = name if not isinstance(path, str): raise ValueError("'path' must be a string value") if not path.startswith("/"): raise ValueError("'path' must start with '/'") self.path = path if not isinstance(methods, list): raise ValueError("'_methods' must be of type '{}'".format(list)) for method in methods: if method not in self._methods: raise ValueError( "HTTP method '{}' is not supported," " available methods are {}".format(method, self._methods) ) self.methods = methods
[docs]class Schema(Entry): """ JSON schema configuration entry. References a :class:`JsonSchema` object. """ def __init__(self, name, schema): = name if not isinstance(schema, JsonSchema): raise ValueError("'schema' must be an instance of {}".format( JsonSchema.__name__ )) self.schema = schema
[docs]class Domain(Entry): """ Domain configuration entry. """ def __init__(self, name, domain): = name self.domain = domain
[docs]class ForwardDomain(Domain): """ Forward domain configuration entry. Extends :class:`Domain` by additional security settings. """ def __init__(self, *args, padding=True): super(ForwardDomain, self).__init__(*args) # Security config # Side channel attack prevention self.padding = padding
[docs]class CachingSetting(Entry): """ Caching configuration entry. Defines the storage type as well as the lifetime. """ def __init__(self, name, in_memory, lifetime): = name if not isinstance(in_memory, bool): raise ValueError("'in_memory' must be a boolean value") self.in_memory = in_memory if not isinstance(lifetime, int): raise ValueError("'lifetime' must be an integer value") self.lifetime = lifetime
[docs]class Container(Entry): """ Container class that holds instances of type :class:`Entry` and itself is an :class:`Entry`. """ def __init__(self, *args, name=None): if name: = name self._dictionary = dict() for entry in args: self.update(entry)
[docs] def update(self, entry): """ Updates the container with an entry. Args: entry(:class:`Entry`): The entry to be included. """ if not isinstance(entry, Entry): raise ValueError( "Entry must inherit from '{}'".format(Entry.__name__) ) self._dictionary.update({ entry})
[docs] def get(self, name): """ Return an entry from the container. Args: name(str): Unique identifier of the entry. Returns: :class:`Entry`: The entry. """ return self._dictionary.get(name)
[docs] def all(self): """ Return all entries of the container. Returns: dict: The dictionary, containing all entries. """ return self._dictionary
[docs]class SelectionContainer(Container): """ A specialized container, which returns entries based on a selection strategy. A default return value can be provided. Supported selection strategies are: * random: Choose a random :class:`Entry` from the dictionary. * select: Choose a fixed :class:`Entry` from the dictionary. """ default_id = "default" _strategies = ["random", "select"] _strategy = None def __init__(self, strategy, *args, default=None, **kwargs): super(SelectionContainer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.set_strategy(strategy) if default: self.update_default(default)
[docs] def select(self, name=None): """ Return an entry from the dictionary. In case of the "select" strategy a name has to be specified. Args: name(str): Unique identifier. Returns: None or an entry from the dictionary. """ if self._strategy == "select": select = self._dictionary.get(name) if not select: return self._dictionary.get(self.default_id) return select if self._strategy == "random" and len(self._dictionary) > 0: return random.choice(list(self._dictionary.values())) return None
[docs] def update_default(self, value): """ Update the default return value. Args: value(str): The new default entry. """ self._dictionary.update({self.default_id: value})
[docs] def set_strategy(self, strategy): """ Set the selection strategy. Args: strategy(str): The selection strategy. """ if strategy not in self._strategies: raise ValueError("Strategy was not found, available inputs are {}" .format(self._strategies)) self._strategy = strategy
set_random = partialmethod(set_strategy, "random") set_select_or_default = partialmethod(set_strategy, "select")